Dental Procedures
Wisdoms 0-60 Minutes
R12 500.00
Extractions And Fillings 0-60 Minutes
R11 500.00
Extractions And Fillings 0-120 Minutes
R15 900.00
Abcess and Cysts removal from dentoalveolar structures
R12 500.00
Dental implants 0-180 minutes
R19 000.00
R19 000.00
Private - Vasectomy
R9 800.00
Circumcision Child under 13
R8 500.00
Circumcision Adult
R9 100.00
Cystoscopy & Prostate Biopsy
R10 900.00
Diagnostic Cysto-urethroscopy
R6 000.00
Diagnostic Cysto-urethroscopy (Local)
R5 000.00
Hysteroscopy/Evacuation /D & C /Bartholin Cyst Rem
R10 200.00
Tonsillectomy Child under 13
R9 000.00
T'S & A'S Tonsillectomy Minor 0-13 years
R12 000.00